(read this in the thickest southern accent)
Mr: That's a tiny little camper right there, the back opens up and they got a kitchen and storage.
Mrs. A camper? You mean a trailer for camping supplies?"
Mr. No, no, that's a camper, you can sleep inside of it.
Mrs. No way, that is too tiny!
Mr. No it's not, I betcha they just got tired and pulled off to rest, I bet there's people sleeping in there right now.And so it begins, seldom will we make a stop and not have an admirer or two. Literally not a day went by in our two weeks on the road that we didn't have someone strike up a conversation about our teardrop. "What is it? Where did you buy it? Do you really sleep in there?"
Sept. 11
After brushing teeth and cleaning up a bit at the truckstop, we finally hop on Route 66 at 9:30 am.
Here is our very first roadside oddity, you see we were quite excited.
In case you were wondering, this is the Route 66 Rocker.
Erected 4-1-08
Stands 42'4" tall
Weighs 27,500 lbs
We spotted the rock frog! Aunt Nancy, Americana expert and enthusiast, had given us a list of things to look out for. This was one of them, it was a like a scavenger hunt, looking for everything on her list and finding a ton of stuff in between.
Our very first neon stop, the Munger Moss Motel
Our first diner stop, the Bell Restaurant in Lebanon MO. We enjoyed a most satisfying breakfast at 11:30am. Love that ceiling!
Edit: I missed a page in our travel log! More to come from from our adventures on the 11th - I can't believe we did so much all in one day...part 2 of day 2 coming soon.